Texas State Capital

Government Relations

San Jacinto College takes pride in meeting the educational needs of Texas. With your support, San Jac can continue to set the standard for educational and workforce training excellence. 

2025 Legislative Priorities


Transfer Outcomes Flexibility

Allow transfer outcomes to include students attending private institutions of higher education in Texas.

Ensure Full Funding

Advocate for full state appropriations for outcomes-based funding in FY25 and the upcoming biennium, including a $40 million supplemental to support the implementation of HB 8. 


These targeted investments in key educational programs are essential for supporting our region’s economic growth and preparing a skilled workforce. 

Biomanufacturing Program

Biomanufacturing Program

The biotechnology industry sector of biomanufacturing is projected to grow significantly in Texas, offering numerous well-paid job opportunities for skilled professionals.

San Jacinto College requests $10 million in state funding to support enhancements to the biomanufacturing program laboratories at the Center for Biotechnology encompassing both the Generation Park and South Campuses. This one-time funding request will support the acquisition of advanced equipment and supplements the cost of the National Institute of Bioprocessing, Research, and Training (NIBRT) license.

These enhancements will allow San Jac to deliver a globally recognized, industry leading curriculum to meet the growing workforce demands of the biotechnology industry sector and help attract leading pharma companies to invest in Texas.

Cybersecurity Program

Cybersecurity is a top priority for every company, organization and institution. Texas has a substantial need to maintain a skilled workforce to address the evolving requirements of the industry. San Jac is committed to enhancing its cybersecurity program to meet this need.

San Jacinto College is requesting $4.5 million in state funding to establish an instruction-based, student-embedded Security Operations Center (SOC) at the College. This initiative seeks to align real world, practical experience with the College’s current cybersecurity curriculum.

The eventual goal of San Jac is to serve as a regional SOC for Texas.

San Jac Changes Lives

As one of 50 community colleges in Texas that enroll 43% of all Texas postsecondary students, the role of San Jacinto College and Texas community colleges has never been more important.


San Jac Students

Part of the Community

San Jac enrolls 45,000 credit and non-credit students each year. Most of these students will choose to stay in the region to work, live and raise their family, adding to the vitality of the Texas Gulf Coast economy.

San Jac Student

Pathway to Success

Community colleges are economic engines in Texas and provide an avenue to a higher education credential that many students may not otherwise possess. It is critically important that San Jacinto College and the other 49 community colleges throughout the state be funded to support the success of our individual students, our communities, and our workforce partners.

San Jac Students

A Better Life

Our impact is felt throughout our institution. Our work changes lives. We know that our students and our community require a strong institutional commitment to academic excellence. With our legislative partners, we will deliver.

Connect with San Jac Leadership

Our dedicated leaders understand the local community and the students' needs. Please reach out any time!

Board of Trustees

College Leadership
Brenda Hellyer
(281) 998-6100
Christian Bionat
VC, External Relations
(281) 998-6150x6416
Amanda Fenwick
Vice President, Mktg and PR
(281) 998-6160
Christian Bionat

Government Affairs

The San Jacinto College Vice Chancellor for External Relations, Christian Bionat, serves as the legislative liaison for the College. Government Affairs supports the institution in all areas of legislation, including at the local, state and federal levels.

The role of Government Affairs is to provide our elected officials with San Jacinto College data and information to support our mission of student success.

Government Affairs also monitors legislative proceedings and policy-making actions that could impact our students, faculty and staff.

Additional resources:

American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)

Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT)

Texas Association of Community Colleges (TACC)

Community College Association of Texas Trustees (CCATT)

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB)

Texas Legislature Online

U.S. Department of Higher Education